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The Human Geography Knowledge Base
In developing this knowledge base we focus on an action theoretic approach in human geography in the broadest sense of the word. This knowledge base was created by Prof. dr. Huib Ernste at the Department of Human Geography of the Radboud University Nijmegen in the Netherlands but everyone is invited to contribute to this knowledge base. We try to develop this knowledge base in both the English and the Dutch language. Contributions in both languages are welcome.
De Sociaal Geografische Kennis Data-Bank
Bij de ontwikkeling van deze kennis data-bank richten we ons met name op de handelingstheoretische benadering in de sociale geografie in de breedste zin van het woord. Deze kennisdatabank is opgezet door Prof. dr. Huib Ernste van de vakgroep sociale geografie van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen in Nederland maar iedereen is van harte uitgenodigd om een bijdrage aan deze kennis data-bank te leveren. We proberen deze kennis data-bank zowel in het Engels als ook in het Nederlands op te bouwen. Bijdragen in het Nederlands of in het Engels zijn van harte welkom.
Fenomenologische reductie
Dit is van Husserl. Het houdt in dat je bij een waarneming moet afzien van alle voorkennis die je al hebt. Dan kun je zien hoe je het fenomeen in je bewustzijn construeert.
Being en Dasein
Dit is van Heidegger. Being is datgene wat er is, wat je ziet. Dasein is het individu 'being in the world'
(Environmental) possibilism
Environmental possibilism is developed as a reaction to environmental determinism. Environmental determinism says that the physical environment determines the way people act and the way a culture developes. For the environmental determinists the way a culture has developed is mainly a stimulus - response reaction (note/question: isn't that also somehow what behaviourism says, only in a broader way?) to the physical environment. Environmental possibilism argues that 'land and life influence each other in a two-way mutual relationship'. In other words: milieux (natural environment) and civilisations (human communities) influence each other constantly. This leads to different lifestyles of peoples communities throughout the world, and thus to many possibe outcomes of the interaction between milieux and civilisations. So to summarise: possiblism is saying that life and land influence each other and determinism says that there is a one way direction influence from land to life. (Source: Cloke, P. and others (eds) (1991) Approaching Human Geography, Chapman, London. Chapter 3: Peopling human geography and the development of humanistic approaches) Derix 20:22, 7 September 2009 (UTC)
Humanists use Vidal’s possibilism: the natural environment offers possible avenues for human development – the precise one chosen is a human decision. (Cloke et al, 1991, p. 65)
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