From Geography
Max Weber used the term bureaucracy vastly throughout his work and has even been said to have made it the popular term it is in today's society. A highly developed division of labour and specialization of tasks is one of the most fundamental features of bureaucracy thus, Weber's ideal bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchical organisation and he demonstrated this by showing in an organisation who would take control when the current leader died etc. Weber seen bureaucracy as the most efficient form of organisation and although he saw it as a key part of rationalising western society he also saw it as a threat to individual freedoms as it is would to control through rules and rational control. Weber said to maintain a balance and keep freedom bureaucrats needed to be opposed somewhat through entrepreneurs and politicians. Many sociologists,like Weber see the development of bureaucratic organisations as necessary for the emergence of any modern civilization.
Campbell, T (1981) Seven Theories Of Human Society; Oxford; Claredon Press
Unknown Author (unknown Date) Encyclopedia Britannica. Bureaucracy [electronic version]
Kilcullen, R.J (1996) http://www.humanities.mq.edu.au. MAX WEBER: ON BUREAUCRACY [electronic version]
PUBLISHED BY: --SamanthaHazlett 19:09, 1 October 2011 (UTC)