Autopoiesis (vs. Allopoiesis)

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Autopoiesis (vs. allopoiesis)

In this wiki we want to make clear the difference between the two concepts 'autopoiesis' and 'allopoiesis'. Autopoiesis literally mean 'auto (self)-creation. The difference between living entities and other entities is that living entities are autopoietic, so they can produce and reproduce themselves. This term is also used by Niklas Luhmann in the context of social systems. You can read more about 'autopoisis' and the link with Niklas Luhmann on this wiki(link maken met de reeds bestaande autopoiesis wiki).

Allopoiesis is a process that is in contrast with autopoiesis. In general it can be said that an organization produces material entities different from those required for producing them. In other words: 'Allopoiesis is the process whereby a system produces something other than the system itself' (Yahoo, 2006). So, another goal is being reached, other than the maintenance of the organization. Allopoetic processes are to be found in industrial production. Reproduction is not the same as self-production (Principia Cybernetica Web, 2002). There are other tools which are used for reaching the purpose. An example of an allopoietic system is a car factory. Raw materials are being used as generator for the car, also called components. It creates not itself, but something other.


– Principia Cybernetica Web(2002).Allopoiesis. Gevonden op 15 december 2010. URL:

- Yahoo (2006). What is the difference between allopoiesis and autopoiesis? Gevonden op 17 december 2010. URL:

Made by: Christine Hutting and Milou Pollemans

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