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Othering is a concept used to define someone's own 'normal' identity by distancing oneself from the Other. With Other one means someone else and is therefore classified as different. Othering is being used to understand a society where certain groups are exluded, other who do not fit into their society. Therefore it's not only about defining oneself, but also the phenomena and units someone knows. In the case of a national identity, the result of othering can be simply segregation.

In other words Othering is defining the position of oneself, by stating what it ain't. The Other is defined in a negative way. Examples of processes of Othering that become very clear in the nowadays society are based on race, gender, social class, ethnicity, etc. Whether the different groups are divided in a stereotyp or a hierarchial way, it is always meant to upgrade ones own position.

Othering and geography


- Lefebvre, H. (1974). The Production of Space. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Ltd.

By Evelien de Beer & Richard Huttinga

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