Rhythm analysis
From Geography
Rhythm analysis is the title of a book by Henri Lefebvre. The term is also mentioned earlier in the work of Lefebvre. According to Lefebvre rhythm is a tool for analyzing urban spaces, and the effects on the inhabitants of those spaces (Lefebvre, 1994). It's only quite recently that this concept of rhythm has taken on a developed form, thus entering into knowledge instead of remaining an object of art.
Rhythms can be found everywhere in our daily life. ' Everywhere where there is interaction between a place, a time and an expenditure of energy, there is a rhythm.' (Lefebvre, 1994, p.15)
There are two kinds of rhythms: linear rhythms and cyclical rhythms. An example of linear rhythm would be the flow of information from a radio, what gives a certain rhythm. A good example for a cyclical rhythm would be day fading into nignt, and night brightening into day. Cyclical repetitions and the linear repetitions are seperate out under analysis, however these two kinds of rhythms interfare constantly in reallife. (Lefebvre, 1994, p. 8)