Stream of action

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Stream of action is a concept that has been introduced by Alfred Schütz. According to Schütz, action is a continuing process of conscious motivated behaviour, so it can be seen as a stream. “The term ‘action’ shall designate human conduct as an ongoing process that is devised by actor in advance, that is, based on a preconceived project.” (Wagner, 1970, p.144). Within this stream you have individual acts. A certain act is a boarderd timeframe in this constant stream of action. The preconceived project is the startpoint, from which the acts taking a stance focused on the future (Muzetto,2006). And to reach this project the are constantly acts which support to reach the goal.


  • Muzzetto, L. (2006). Time and meaning in Alfred Schütz. Universitá di Pisa: Pisa.
  • Wagner. H.R. (1970). Alfred schutz on phenomenology and social relations. University of Chicago press: Chicago.


Page created by Lars Paardekooper 9 October 2012

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