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Revision as of 12:09, 23 October 2012 by PaulHogen (Talk | contribs)
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The term Poiesis is related to the greek term ποιέω, which means 'to make'. The word was first seen as a verb, other than its later use of a word. The meaning of Poiesis is the reconcile of thought with matter and time, and person in the world.

Poiesis has two forms: Autopoiesis and Allopoiesis


The meaning of this form of Poiesis lies in 'self-creation' and it expresses a fundamental dialectic among structure, mechanism and function. it was first used to explain and define the nature of living systems. The core of this way of thinking is related to a biological cell. During a period of time things in the cell will develop and change, but the most important thing is that its core, the biological cell in the beginning, stays the same. So, there will be change but the core from the beginning will never change.


In contrary with autopoiesis, this is a process whereby a system produces something different other than the system itself. So the starting point/the core can be very different then the eventual product.


  • Created by Paul van den Hogen-- Paulhogen 14:08, 23 October 2012 (UTC)
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