From Geography
Rating (from 0-10, 10 being the highest, and 6 being just sufficient)
1. Relevance: 7/10: The relevance of the subject is mentioned in the text: “language is used as central medium for action and meaning transfer”.
2. Well-written: 7/10: It can be seen as three seperated entries. It’s very clear that three writers have written the seperated texts, but each one is well written.
3. well-researched: 7/10: The writers used many sources to get their information. The subject is approached in multiple ways. I think there could be said more about the subject. Maybe the link with Ludwig Wittgenstein could be mentioned.
4. Broad in its coverage: 7/10: see 3.
5. Neutral: 8/10:..
6. Stable: 8/10:. The entrie does not make a turn
7. Well-structured: 7/10: The structure of the entrie should be mentioned in the first part. The part about structuralism is completely unexpected, but a good complemention.
8. Illustrated: -/10:. There are no illustrations.
9. Length: 7/10: -